So for our business class, we had to make our business cards. What do ya think? My brand in my logo was inspired by the drawings of another wordpress user, … I knew I wanted a brand that would stand out and that was my style. I like abstract type of art and I knew I wanted it to be so. I wanted there to be a meaning to it that went with my business name. I had thought of maybe a flower with an eye in the center, but didn’t know how to get it. I’ve always wanted to be able to draw, but God didn’t quite bless me with that talent. That’s why I photograph!!! ….. So I started looking around on google images and came across Kenley’s blog. Her sketches are amazing! I love her ideas and thoughts. How she comes up with these visions I have no idea, but its fantastic! I found an image of an owl with leaves around its eye (like feathers). I contacted her and we agreed that I could use her work as my brand. So I saved the file and inked it in photoshop. I’m very happy! I’ve had so many compliments on my logo and I couldn’t have done it without such an amazing brand! I want my brand to stand out, and it certainly has!
Thanks Kenley!
<—- This is the sketch by Kenley that I inked my brand from.