Tara Wilburn of Breath Of Light Imagery photographs teen actor Garrett Roberson in Athens, Georgia.

Garrett Roberson ::{ Actor Headshot Photographer }::

July 6, 2016

Tara Wilburn, photographer of Breath Of Light Imagery, conducts a photo shoot with Holly Roberson, an aspiring actress, to feature the actress’ teen actor headshot portraits in Commerce, Georgia.

Holly for Hollywood ::{ Athens, Georgia Actor Headshot Photographer }::

June 10, 2016

“Lights! Camera! Action!!!” Watch out, folks! This girl is Hollywood-bound! Aspiring actress, Brittany, glams it up during our session at Chateau Elan in Braselton, Georgia. Brittany came to me in need of head shot portraits to send out to various acting agencies. These shots need to be images that will catch the attention of casting directors […]

Brittany Is Ready For Her Closeup ::|:: Sugar Hill Headshot Portrait Photographer

August 2, 2014

