Deciding whether to share a First Look moment before your wedding ceremony is a deeply personal choice for every couple. It’s a private, intimate moment that can offer a calm and cherished connection before the whirlwind of the day truly begins. My husband and I chose to have a First Look, and it became one of the most memorable parts of our wedding. It allowed us to laugh, breathe, and just be together before the official ceremony. Whether you choose to uphold tradition or embrace a First Look, the key is to make the decision that feels right for you. After all, your wedding day is about celebrating your unique love story in the way that’s most meaningful to both of you.

First Look vs. Tradition: Deciding What’s Right For Your Wedding Day ::{ Athens, Georgia Photographer }::

August 13, 2024

Wow!… That’s really all this blog post needs… is just… wow! …But I’m a talker. So naturally, I’m going to share all the fun details about Sarah’s bridal session with you in addition to my “Wow” statement… Well, obviously Sarah makes a stunning bride! But she’s more than that. This girl has a beautiful soul. […]

Bridal Portraits at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia ::{ Athens, GA Wedding Photographer }::

July 2, 2019

